Harmadik angol nyelvű kötetem Turdmummy címmel 2016 decemberében jelent meg Amerikában a Strangehouse Books kiadásában.
It's one of those days again: you discover tiny egyptian pyramids and slaves in your stool, and soon, you give birth to a Fecal-Pharaoh, that is cursed... Yeah, it's one of those days again. Heroine addict babies crawl onto your body, and you become a superhero - sure, the girls dig your new infant-muscles, but you must keep up with the little crying bastards drug hunger. Yup, that shitty day again, when your wife calls for the police and the operator tells her that an officer will arrive in 9 months, and a few weeks later, your woman discovers that she is pregnant with a tiny police man that beats your stick with a baton every time you wanna get intimate with her.
Action, drama and holy fucking fecal matter! Join Turdmummy, the Foreskin-Golem, Craphouse Christ, the fat Chirstmas-tree mermaid, Prostate-Yeti and Tampon-Steed in a messy, surreal fight against good taste.
"Zoltan Komor has the face of a sweet kid, but looks can be deceptive. I suspect that inside him flayed steel rhinos smeared with the souls of Burroughs, Singer and Kafka fold themselves into violet-stained landscapes duplicated to the point of absurdity by some new-minted postmodern Don Quixote. Komor’s imagination lays limitless waste to an urban landscape fraught with fetal puppets and jelly meat boys. His prose isn’t simply readable, it’s edible."
–Alex S. Johnson, Author of The Doom Hippies.